Course Conducted


Sl. No.Name of ProgrammesDatesCourse Coordinators
  1. A.Orientation Programmes
1.Orientation Programme26th July to 22nd August, 2016Director, UGC-HRDC
2.Orientation Programme19th Oct. to 15th Nov., 2016Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC
3.Orientation Programme21st Feb. to 20th Mar. 2017Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
  1. B.Refresher Courses
  1. a.Specific Refresher Courses (SRC)
4.Women Studies21st Jun. to 11th Jul., 2016HoD, Public Administration
5.Life Sciences1st to 22nd November, 2016Dean, Life Sciences
6.Physics2nd to 21st March, 2017HoD, Physics
  1. b.Inter Disciplinary Courses (IRC)
7.Languages16th Aug. To 5th Sept., 2016HoD, Mizo
8.Advanced in Chemistry & Biotechnology20th Sep. to 10th Oct., 2016HoD, Biotechnology
9.Earth Sciences, Geography & Allied Disciplines15th Feb. to 7th Mar. 2017Dean, SES & NRM
  1. C.Short Term Courses
10.Research Methodology for Research Scholars21st to 26th June, 2016Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
11.Educational Management11th to 16th July, 2016Director, UGC-HRDC
12.Research Methodology for Teachers6th to 10th September, 2016Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC
13.Library & Information Science19th to 24th September, 2016Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC
14.Forensic Science3rd to 8th October, 2016Director, UGC-HRDC
15.Quantum Spectroscopy & Theoretical Chemistry23rd to 29th March, 2017Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
  1. D.Additional Courses
16.Special Summer School7th to 28th June, 2016Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
17.Principal’s Meet (1 day)12th August, 2016Director, UGC-HRDC
18.Workshop for Academic Administrators (2 days)29th & 31st August, 2016Director, UGC-HRDC
19.Teacher’s Educator27th Sept. to 17th Oct., 2016Dean, SEH
20.Workshop on Disaster Management ( 3 days for Scholar)4th to 6th October, 2016Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC
21.Special Winter School22nd Nov. to 12th Dec., 2016Deputy Director, UGC-HRDC